Audrey est revenue
In the gripping TV series "Audrey est revenue," produced by Pixcom for Canal Illico and Canal+, we dove deep into post-production to mirror the intricate narrative woven by directors Guillaume Lonergan and Guillaume Lambert, along with Florence Longpré. The series centers around Audrey, who awakens from a coma after sixteen years, and is faced with a world she no longer recognizes.
Our post-production team focused on creating a dark and organic mood that complements the series’ themes of memory, mystery, and reintegration. Through careful color grading, we accentuated the shadows and earthy tones, enhancing the emotional depth and adding a layer of mystery to each scene. This approach helped visually represent Audrey's internal and external conflicts as she pieces together her past and navigates her altered reality.
The result is a visually compelling backdrop that not only supports but also elevates the storytelling, drawing viewers deeper into Audrey’s enigmatic journey.
Production House: Pixcom
Director : Guillaume Lonergan
Writing : Guillaume Lambert et Florence Longpré
Director of Photography: Vincent Gonneville
Colorist: Martin Gaumond
Tech Specs
Location : Montreal
Shot On : Arri Alexa Mini
Acquisition Format : 3.2k ProRes 444
Conformed : Davinci Resolve
Graded : Davinci Resolve
Delivery Format : HD SDR Rec709 ProRes 422 HQ